The QUADRO-S is the augmented vision multi-purpose system for tactical surveillance,observation, as well as aiming and engagement at short-and medium-range distances.Along with selecting between visible/near-infrared and far-infrared (thermal) channelsindividually, GSCI’s Unique Patented technology allows to produce and display real-time, delay-freefusionimage that superimposes all ranges of the spectrum from itssensors to successfully detect any target and defy poor lighting or weather conditions.Wide field of view allows for better situation awareness. The unit is small andlightweight, and yet made of a hard-anodized aluminum for added strength and shockresistance.


The QUADRO lineup is designed utilizing GSCI’s patented technology that producesand displays real-time, delay free fusion image that superimposes both spectral rangescovered by its sensors. Besides a number of unique features, this device combinesconsequential technologies to produce an image allowing for facial recognition in lowlight or night conditions. The data recorded can be used for enhanced real-timebiometrics and post mission forensic analysis for covert nighttime operations. Using this

type of technology for recognition at nighttime has revolutionized warfare as it hasproven extremely beneficial for informing a soldier that the individual is someone ofinterest and reducing risk of misidentification.Fused images can be used in combination with biometric face databases/watch liststhat only contain visible face imagery. The fusion technology allows taking advantage ofboth technologies and combining thermal and visible imagery to jointly preserve theshape of the entire face and appearance of the local identifying details.Detecting objects that were difficult, or impossible, to see using current state-of-the-artthermal cameras was the main objective behind the design of the QUADRO systems,and all the functions can be done with a simple press of a button.


FPA Refresh Rate: 50Hz

Display: Full Size: 0.6-Inch, AMOLED, Colour, 800x600

Digital Zoom: 2X, 4X, 8X

Imaging Modes: Monochrome + 8 Colour Palettes

Digital Video Recorder: Optional: Built-In or External

Power Source: 4pcs AA and External (incl. USB power packs)

Battery Life: Up to 7 hours

Operating Temperature: -40°C .. +50°C

Manufacturer's Warranty: 7 Years, Limited





*PAY ATTENTION! This product requires an export license outside the Benelux. We take care of this with the Customs in the Netherlands. The customer only needs to sign an End-Use Statement for the application.*

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