

Optics-World B.V. attach great importance to reliability, quality and good service. Despite our efforts, it may still happen that a mistake is made or that you are dissatisfied with our organization for other reasons. If this is the case, we invite you to let us know. We assume that your complaint is made in good faith and reflects genuine and well-founded concern. We will therefore treat your complaint very seriously. In addition, your complaint gives us the opportunity to correct any errors and improve our services where possible.



You can send this by e-mail to or in writing by post to:

Optics-World B.V.

Weverstraat 8-X

5405BN Uden

The Netherlands



As soon as we have received your email or letter, we will contact you by telephone or email within 5 working days to discuss the complaint and look for a suitable solution together.



Do you have a complaint? Then you are obliged to submit this to us first. Do you believe that we are not solving this complaint properly? Then you have the right to file a complaint with the dispute committee (this only applies to private individuals, not B2B). This only applies if we as a company and you as a customer cannot reach a solution.


You can submit your complaint to:


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